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Criminal Law Notebook:Donate

From Criminal Law Notebook

Consider Donating to Keep the Site Up

I've been running criminalnotebook.ca (including its predecessor website) for about 10 years now. It is an entirely solo writing project without any funding or support from anyone. I have been covering all costs myself but I would greatly appreciate help from the public.

As of this writing, the website is seeing about 130,000 pageviews a month and it continues to grow. Part of the success has been on account of the webhosting performance, serving thousands of queries a day. This is entirely thanks to the quality webhosting service that hosts all my content.

I hope to keep these materials free indefinitely. At least one way to ensure this is through contributions to cover the cost of webhosting. It's about $350 per year that I have been paying for myself. If you have used this website and feel you got at least a few dollars of value out of these materials, please consider making a donation to help me cover my costs. Any amount would be appreciated.

If you are interested in helping to keep the website up and free to everyone, consider donating through the following means:

--Peter Dostal

Halifax, NS